Why Ethereum Lost The Plot [Su Zhu]
Download MP3The Crypto Villain of the Year explains his thinking.
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Crypto villain of the year https://cryptobriefing.com/2021-review-the-top-10-crypto-villains-year/
i would be curious to learn in
what sense has ether over optimized for
being money so what at what points did
it make a trade-off like a conscience
trade-off to say
we designed the chain to be better money
and worse as let's say an execution
i think a good broad way to understand
it is if you look at antonio the founder
of do idx's tweets about it afterward
and he he said you know
the ethereum user experience on on layer
one has basically not even 10xed over
five years
um and at that time the roadmap
was very much to to figure out how to
cater to users and developers right um
and and so i think just like if you just
zoom out that far it's pretty easy to
see that we're we're in a very different
place today
on ethereum than it was uh
a couple years ago and i think the
another easy way to see this is just
with d5 itself right where if you look
at the d5 that's kind of really taken
off and done well it's been crosstrained
it's been non-ethereum right so you know
luna versus snx but then also you know
sort of projects on avalanche versus
projects on ethereum the you know the
same exact project but they'll do better
on avalanche um and then you know you
you you kind of get a sense that um
i think ethereum rightfully says that
they're the bedrock or kind of the uh
birthplace of defy innovation right but
what that also means is that if that's
main claim to to to um
sort of power that that that becomes
it becomes quite nostalgic like in a way
right uh where
um what about the new users or what
about the new developers where do they
go and and you know what we're seeing is
that new developers are just multi-evm
right so they
deploy where the users are because their
goal is to
have their product be used you know so
an example is we back tranches which is
quite quite uh novel mechanism for doing
risk sharing across um longs and shorts
and it's got one of the highest tbls in
d5 right but they started off on bsc and
the the founders love ethereum but they
said if i launched on l1
uh there's no way and i'm not gonna
launch on matic because
if i'm gonna launch on another chain
anyways i might as well launch where the
actual users are
right so
uh okay
this is what kind of work this is kind
of what we're seeing on the app side and
then you look at the performance of d5
coins too right you know when we have
that part let's take note with the
performance let's let's stick with the
sort of the tech for a second because
yeah sure sure so
if we i think if we look at blockchains
actually first principles
it's really just you know it's a shared
database where anyone can can verify or
where anybody can see that the the
computation that was done whether it's a
transfer or a smart contract execution
that was done with
integrity so that was that was done
correctly right
and you can have various
of such uh
database basically so being the most
centralized would be just binance right
the centralized exchange nobody has any
insight into their database but it has a
lot of reputation at stake um so you
just trust it to you know perform all
the other updates correctly pretty much
and on the other extreme
you have something like bitcoin and
ethereum where they say oh we throttle
the network um really hard to sort of
keep um
this verification cost this cost for
people to actually do the accounting
themselves to to to to walk through
every step that was done and say oh i
can i can verify
without making any trust assumptions
that all of this computation was done
right and in the middle between these
two extremes centralized exchange and
the completely decentralized blockchain
you have a pretty wide trade of space
right and um that's where you find bsc
that's where you find avalanche and
solana at some points across these
spectrums right
sort of what i'm wondering is
i mean
are these other chains really gonna you
develop in in in any other way i mean
than ethereum and bitcoin so their
databases are always so yeah
i guess my answer would be they already
have and they will continue
because they are attracting all the new
users i think this is the just the
reality of the space right and i think
you know when i told you that half of
metamask users are bsc users and it
under shocked you
it's because a lot of
you know a lot of ether ogs and biblical
energies they don't use
chains because they don't need that
money right like you don't need to make
a thousand dollars you don't need to
make ten thousand dollars right you're
too wealthy to care
but that says more about you than it
says about other people right so
it's kind of my point which is that um i
i find that a lot of ethiopians they're
in the mindset now where they're like
i'm already rich and you have to
understand why what i've done is so good
and also what i why what i'm preserving
is so valuable and valuable
as it may
um you have given very few outlets for
new users to come and participate
in what you've done and and so you know
that's the reality of the space and and
you know having matic is not is not an
answer right because if you have matic
then they say what is the difference
between matic and any other l1 right and
then and then you open up that door and
yeah of course of course there's none
right so so i think that that's kind of
the reality of the space and i agree
with you a hundred percent on you know
there is a
you know a decentralization trade-off uh
between each of these and i think what
the novel sort of
understanding that i have or or that um
i think the market has as well is that
where ethereum is on the trade-off scale
it is optimized for a world
that um
it's struggling to maintain its network
effect for evm itself
where evm developers are immediately
deploying to every chain
and then users are using where
they find it most convenient
i would say in april or march i would
have said that ether itself uh will
benefit a lot from this multi evm i
believe i said that in a thesis um and
he did and i think in part ether has
right it has outperformed bitcoin quite
a bit uh since then because ether
benefits from being able to be ported
around on evm just much easier right so
you can bring your you know you can
bring your ether across different
bridges you can use it as collateral
here and there
and so it has
definitely benefited from that but it's
also underperformed
other layer ones massively and and
the the reason why i do say performance
is important is because
the this is also the incentive for
people to get involved right so you know
if you look at the d5 projects on
ethereum you know where they have
uh pretty much only gone down in dollars
even uh over the past year i mean if
someone had told you at the time we did
that podcast where we predicted device
coins would enter the top 20 that they
would actually all be down in dollars
you would you you would have said you're
insane right
but it's happened and i think and i see
that i think they have performed not
that bad since then they are up in
dollars definitely but down
but i think a lot of them are actually
down in dollars if i remember correctly
and and and so that's something that i
don't think
people are i mean
privately i've spoken a lot of people
and and and they you know they they they
say what those reasons are
but i think that um publicly it's
something that
is a bit taboo to talk about right
because it has
it you have to admit a lot of kind of
things and and and so i think
i mean my diagnosis would be a few
things right i i think one is that
the early ether builders they were very
committed to ethereum as a network
and so
where the founders dilemma kind of plays
in is that if you already own a lot of
ether and then it's gone up 20x
you're already wealthy right
so so once you're already wealthy
your incentive to build also starts
going down right because
what is the
incentive to build at that point and and
and that we've seen a lot in the
ethereum device space i think um
i think
on the on the idea of
you know going cross-chain and acquiring
users i think that this is a
this is very much a knife fight right
this is very much a fight uh to see you
know which builders are the most
aggressive at creating products for new
users um and creating experiences for
new users and i find it interesting too
that like when i speak to some of these
ethiopians you know some are very good
at going cross-chain and and
using them but but a lot of
like others their mentality is like i
i'm too rich to have to do that
i'm too wealthy like i don't need to
right um so
this is i think the big divide really in
this space which is that it's to the
point where
um ether can no longer ethereum can no
longer claim to have all the innovations
right like now you actually see the
opposite where synthetics are trying to
copy what luna's done with you know
ecosystem airdrops and multiple projects
on it
and you know it's we're we're kind of
seeing that reverse copying on a number
of projects now as well and so i think
there's an arrogance to the ethereum
community similar as there was an
arrogance of the bitcoin community um
and i actually think that you'll see
this arrogance play out in almost every
community um not in a fatalist way but
just as a as a product of founders
dilemma like if people already become
billionaires people already become you
know worth a lot of
their their basic worldview becomes how
do i perpetuate this idea as opposed to
um how do i compete in the open market
so i think
that that kind of reality um
is is the main reason why
i expect d5 building and and d5 to to do
better on newer chains because the
builders there are just hungrier and
they're also trying to create
applications for a million users or 10
million users
but i think what you're missing is that
you're taking kind of an objectivist
approach right you're kind of saying
this must be the solution that is the
most technologically valid and hence
you're only interested in that well be
that as it may
um you know
these were the kind of criticisms put on
solana in the early days and what we've
seen is that solano's actually attracted
a whole huge amount of grassroots
developers and huge amounts of
application interest right i would say
the last 20 of our application bets
15 plus of them are non-ethereum
mainly because we prefer to do best
we can see it get to a million users
um and
i think for a lot of the other funds
even the funds that were quite against
i see them now trying to get into these
rounds too and so it's just something
that while i hear you on you know your
vision of where the technology should be
and how how it looks
i do also see that
the way that the industry is going is
much more pragmatic which is to say i
want to onboard the users now
um and
that's that's the
that's the goal
and so i just think that
there needs to be a broad okay
put it this way i think there needs to
be a broad respect
from the ethereum community for
uh users i don't i don't think there's
quite that respect for users and i and
you can argue that there doesn't need to
be because ethereum is on this mission
to scale uh in this uh robust way but
we're getting into bitcoin lightning
network type of logic now too right
be that as it may
you're you're free to do what you wish
you do run some risks of losing network
effects um and and so i think
that that's kind of what i would say
about this i mean i think fundamentally
it's it's it's talking on two different
planes right or it's talking past each
other where the set of priors are just
um so so my set of priors is to say
okay we can invest in bitcoin and if
there are stores of value that's fine
um and we speculate on when we buy them
and when we sell them and the global
demand for user and the the global
demand for crypto monies right
at the same time we also
feel that applications on ethereum have
really suffered from uh you know
optimistic role of not being competitive
and and then later on uh you know newer
scaling not coming out um and you know
the world we live in today is very
different from the world uh we imagined
when ethereum device was sort of at
their highs and and so uh seeing that
world i'm an introspective person so i
look at that and and i ask myself why
did it fail right what happened
and the reasons that i'm seeing or the
kind of the realities that i believe i
am perceiving
are that well first of all the builders
are actually better on these other
chains because they have chosen those
other chains because they want to reach
users so i see that with dokon and luna
i see this uh with a few other projects
and this i think is actually the
anti-culture case for ethereum which is
that it actually is unable to provide a
space for these type of builders i
remember during a clubhouse where andre
chronos he said i think this was in like
march i can't remember exactly when but
he said like if you're an evm builder
today you need to go to bsc immediately
right and then you know at that time
like then then a whole host of people
bsc but
i think that this is
this is the future um
of smart contracts application space and
users and and so from my point of view
i do have a bit of regret and nostalgia
for the d5 times and i wish that it
would have gone better uh but i think
that um
you know the reason why i was so
triggered by kane is because he kind of
um is kind of the is kind of the
ultimate example of sort of you know an
ethogee who did very well holding eth
basically um and then the project itself
you know has kind of
not been as
you know and it's not something where
i'm like shaming builders or this or
that but he's the one who says you know
you know anyone who's not building on
ethereum layer two is like you know
we're gonna keep track of all your names
and then you know i'm not going to
welcome you back to community i mean
this is dangerous stuff i think um and
this is stuff where
yeah um i don't believe in it so
i think that um at the end of the day um
the same problems that happened to
bitcoin maximus are happening to
ethereum maximus and the problem for
ethereum is that while it matters less
for bitcoin because you don't do
anything with bitcoin it matters more
for ethereum because you actually have
to do things on ethereum and so if
builders are starting to go to other
chains which i see them doing this is a
matter of debate that i have with some
other funds but i do see builders going
to other chains um especially solana
especially avalanche
then the floodgates are very open on
that and you won't we won't be able to
claim in two years that all the
innovation is on ethereum right and once
you lose that
uh then really what you have left is you
can say that the evm uh
enshrines eth as the holy asset which i
think is happening um and that um it
shares a store value case with bitcoin
and that and that can be fine as it is
right that
that that really can be the end game of
eth and um
and it can do well but i don't think
that um
i don't think that this is something
that that alternate layer ones are sort
of um
discredited for their approach because i
it's kind of fascinating almost like as
a fractal but i kind of see like eth as
being what original bitcoin wanted to be
in some ways right which is sort of um
you know having nfts and having um
having um defy and these kind of things
and then i see like alt layer ones
trying to be what ethereum is trying to
be which is like
you know uh yeah the reaching a building
i think where vitalik said that um
if there's like
f what is it what did he say if there's
five cents
he said bitcoin has five cents
yeah i mean
stuff like that of course makes you look
very bad in the future that's a given
um yeah so so i mean and
and and i think it's look like i still
own more ethan pretty much i still own
more ether than pretty much anybody i
know so it's not something where but i
think this is i mean this is also to me
this is also like a warning sign but i
mean vitalik
is a very smart guy
he already yeah first like the bitcoin
cash people fell on their face making
the claim that you can guarantee some
kind of low cost environment without
sacrificing all decentralization then
vitalik made the same statement he fell
on his face and now i see for me it's
just it's just just groundhog day i see
the same i see a new class of people
repeat the same the the same things that
already the bitcoin cash people have
failed at
vitalik has failed that they are not
going to succeed in my opinion i think
they are going to fail for the same
reasons and that's sort of what makes me
a bit frustrated about seeing these
arguments because it's not
yes i'm taking
um like a technologist stand stands on
where i say yeah i'm better at
evaluating um
this than the market i can say this is
gonna fail for you know technological
reasons this is gonna run into its
scaling limits and at some point also
the narratives around it are going to
collapse when the fees go up and they
have no credible scaling roadmap so um
but to me this this just feels like i've
seen the story like play out more than
once in the past
i think the i think the the the sort of
shortest rebuttal i would give to that
is to say
just look at the network growth rates on
the other networks and then say
let's assume that they run into scaling
problems and let's assume that they
solve them in the way that um
uh would be maybe not acceptable to
ethereum people and certainly not
acceptable to bitcoin people i mean keep
in mind too a lot of ethereum's
decentralization trade-offs are
completely unacceptable to bitcoin
people right and so i so so i think that
then you you're very much back in the
fractal that i'm talking about which is
that um you know ethereum people making
the same arguments
against other chains that bitcoin people
make against that
make against ethereum right and
i guess what i would say is that um
i do see these fighting product market
fit and i do see these teams being
at least more motivated to onboard users
and and so i guess
what i'm
what i'm warning or not warning but what
i'm kind of predicting is that um
that all layer ones will continue to do
very very well
and um i also see this in the web 2
investors that i speak with right
when when the web 2 investors come to
crypto i think some of them you know
they they gravitate toward the uh
toward the ethereum vision um
but then as they do they start to see
like okay well
how fast is this network growing because
because i'm investing in network effects
right how fast they're growing and then
they see that all the other chains are
having way faster network effects and
then they're saying okay well what is
the reason for this and and so
if the reason is that ethereum is
waiting for its own scaling
it starts to sound like bitcoin right it
starts to sound a lot like like bitcoin
um then they're like okay well
i clearly need a hedge because these are
already outperforming either by a lot
and on top of that there's you know very
credible uh activity happening i
understand that either people say it's
not decentralized but i also understand
that big people say ether is not
decentralized you see what i'm saying
there right so so that that's kind of
what i'm predicting basically and and i
think that um
i think that
for me like i kind of had the thesis
uh fortunately relatively early
uh during the bear market that i think
all all layer ones are yeah deeply
undervalued because these are real teams
building stuff and i was fortunate
enough to you know so so like polka dot
uh avalanche
near um
oh i mean we pretty much said at that
time you know pretty much any alt layer
one that is doing
that is shipping code uh
is is gonna is just
is incredibly undervalued by the market
i think um richard we had on our podcast
at the acm he had basically that thesis
and he helped us kind of see it which is
um for the same reasons that ethereum
grew very quickly these chains also will
grow very quickly because the
penetration of smart contract
users and and and just you know
applications is a zero of the main
it's it's it's a world where we live in
um you know just to give an example
right like
taizo tazos just did a great deal with
ubisoft where they're gonna give
something like 10 million wallets to
ubisoft users and then holding fts in
them so
i mean i can see a world where chains
can do well just being
used in one country right and then and
going from there and and so i guess what
i'm saying is like the world is a very
very big place and i see layer ones
doing very different approaches to biz
dev very different approaches to users
um and
i think that this is healthy actually
for broader crypto it it does hurt a bit
of um
ethereum dominance like i think ethereum
would be
much closer to flipping bitcoin today if
ethereum had managed to find you know if
it basically what we think of as the
scaling road map in 2025 if it had been
achieved by today right
but um be that
you know being that we're in the world
we are in today
see sort of more of a hybrid bitcoin and
ether will share a store value case
and then i see
a multiple you know a multitude of all
their ones and i and i think that i mean
not to say that this is good or bad but
just to say this is i think just the
reality why do you so ethereum has also
of course gone through periods of
extreme growth um
and back in the day we used to use this
as um an investment case for ethereum
over bitcoin right we saw that yeah
bitcoin was valued much higher but
ethereum growth in in any relevant
metric was just leaving bitcoin
completely in the dust there were more
i think what i realized
i think what i realized looking back is
that we were asking the wrong question
we were asking the uh we were asking the
wrong question which is the og question
which is should i own more ethereum
but that's actually the wrong question
my question to you would have been why
why do you think that the growth that
these newer chains are seeing is going
to be more sticky than the growth that
ethereum has seen
uh well
what i would say is that their growth
has already been much faster than
bitcoin and ethereum and their growth
can continue to be much faster
one they don't have technical debt
bitcoin has technical debt right
ethereum has huge technical debt these
new ones they don't have technical debt
in part because they're more centralized
but also in part because they're newer
um so
you know they're already proof of stake
well for ether it will be very hard to
go proof of stake it will take months
and months right and there will be a lot
of questions as we go into it and and
and so technical debt is one reason also
i think um the spirit of community is
another right where
the the concept of getting in on the
ground floor is very attractive to
people and you know if you look at
either today like
it doesn't offer
the opportunities i think that um it did
when people uh were around 2019. so even
if you look at like you know talking
about airdrops right like all
all this stuff is for if you were a user
in 2019 as far as i'm concerned like ens
yeah you registered it in 2019 you know
using some of these products okay like
some of them late 2020 but they're all
kind of like
i mean i would posit that it's all the
same two thousand users
two thousand to five thousand uh you
know that that that are basically
benefiting from this and and so that's
kind of the big challenge i think uh
which is uh ethereum's growth of users
on l1 has basically gone to zero right
um because of the fees and
i can accept the argument that that's
fine because we'll do rollups but
i would then also
argue that if you assume that's true
then the growth rates on altair ones
will be very fast because there is a
demand for people to get involved in
crypto and this is where they will go
and so
for me it's trivial that the growth rate
of user counts and activity on other
chains will be faster than on ethereum
um it's a
broader question what will outpace the
other in dollars today uh from where we
are here because obviously we are
already up 1000x on solana we're already
up you know hundreds of access on these
other coins and the these are all kinds
of um
you know we're we're trying to get to
questions of like what is a fair
percentage of ethereum market cap these
things should be
i think when it comes to user accounts
when it comes to activity levels when it
comes to new builders uh new passionate
builders who want to build billion
dollar applications
i very much see these going to solana
starkware avalanche
and a few others and
i think that that's just natural um so i
do think that when there is um
more opportunities to
deploy on l2 i think they'll also do so
but i think that ethereum has lost that
network effect of being able to say all
innovators come to my chain and join my
community um i didn't realize it quite
early enough i think if i had i would
have just sold all my ether for salon on
avalanche but you know be that as it may
i was comparing either too much to
bitcoin and you know so i suffered that
fate along with you basically um you
know as part of the sort of the og crowd
now that you know debates bitcoin versus
ether all day right you know
and you know i've met young guys like
retail guys like they're like 50 sold 50
abax from a dollar
you know and these guys are just like
why do you even talk about bitcoin and
ether like what what is the point and
and so like there is that perspective
that i have to remind myself of each
time because each generation each crypto
wave has brought in
uh new people right and their
perspective is very different from yours
and mine
and you know you know speaking of these
kind of guys
i do i am sometimes struck by like are
we the boomers you know yes um
i think i would be
i mean
i i i would agree that somebody who
comes in today
won't use bitcoin in in ethiopia and
they shouldn't because for the reasons
that we talked about but that doesn't
mean that they are any more right in the
long term i think if you've only been
here for half a cycle
i think there's definitely the risk of
sort of over overvaluing what is new and
what you know over what is long-term
i would say that at the end of the day
i'm i'm a pragmatist i'm i have no
uh ideological reason to support
ethereum i would say i'm pretty far from
from being like an ideologue
i think that in terms of its roadmap
it's actually it's going to be cheaper
and better for a user and an application
builder to use
um a rollup that
posts you know proofs to ethereum
then these alternate layer ones if if
they are just a layer one so they can
have the same role the same um the same
sharding road map and then i think
it's sort of a fair game um but
i think that this approach is probably
going to win out over the you know
layer one approach
um and i say that because i believe in
it for
you know that it's like pragmatically
the the best approach and not because i
think it's somehow more
i don't know that it's like for moral
reasons or whatever right i mean i get
what we were saying but i guess my point
is that
for like for for me as someone who
invests prolifically in applications
i see the strongest applications being
on non-ethereum these days and that's
something that i would have been
absolutely if you had told me this a
year ago i i would have said absolutely
no way
zero chance all the innovation i see is
on ethereum and now all the application
innovation i see is not on ethereum and
and so this is just
for me that's my perspective on it and
that makes me sad in a way because it's
different from what i thought it would
be and it's different from what i hoped
it would be
um and so i think that
i think that that's kind of where
where the
the the the biggest fear for me in
crypto is that if we get to a world
where the end game is then
you don't need to have any
like like you you get to the most
centralized chain and then that is the
thing that you know i mean i'm kind of
seeing this like and it scares me with
some of these web 2 guys and they're
saying like well you know what you don't
even need crypto you just have tokens
the whole point is tokens uh once you
have tokens uh you can incentivize
everybody you incentivize your users you
can get rid of the blockchain
right yeah yeah just give tokens and
this is i mean kobe was 20 mothers a bit
as well and this this is what really
scares me because if we don't if we
don't make reasonably credible
applications that that scales users you
you do some run some risks that like
um you know we're just talking about
tokens in five years that run in actual
databases um
so so i i come from that perspective but
i mean
i mean i think at the end of the day
like it's it's it's the points on both
sides are really well understood now i
think you know the market will decide
the new users will decide the new
builders will decide and and and i think
it's not even worth debating honestly
because i think it's more about
prognostication right
so people will step their chips the way
they want to set them and and then
that's it
yeah i completely agree i i i'm a pretty
strong believer in the thesis that
fast forward five years
and people will be using applications
they will not be using blockchains they
would be going directly to applications
like they go to their bank their broker
whatever their super app
and they will be using these
applications and they will know that
it's non-custodial
but they won't know
on what chain it runs um
and they they won't have to they don't
have to care and then it's purely
a matter of what chain um can get the
yeah properties to to build us into
users um and there won't be any sort of
yeah i mean any reason to favor one over
the other for any other reason and um
yeah that's that's that's definitely
also the approach that i'm taking
and um if it's true that other chants
can capture
better builders and can retain them in
the long term then i definitely think
that these chains are in a good position
personally i don't
i don't see that right now i think
it's very attractive for a new builder
to build on new chains but it's also
these chains tend to be empty empty here
and this is not going to sustain so
there's some amount of short-termism
and they tend to be big incentives right
so between building on ethereum and
building on avalanche where i know that
ava labs have is you know paying out
they are dumping like avex incentives on
on any application that builds there of
course that's a huge bribe for me as an
application builder to favor their chain
but i also know
that this is not
long-term sustainable right so at some
the this this sort of incentivized
will taper off and then what matters is
the actual technical trade-offs well i
think the why well i think the the the
biggest counter-argument to what you
said is that
it's already been wrong for many months
now right where
you know from the vision that we would
have seen a year ago to now it's already
been wrong and then so i think the
question is then
at what point will that vision be
correct and
i think the answer that most ethereum
people give is that the it will be
correct when we finally have l2 scaling
that is competitive with uh the
experience the user experience on layer
that is what they say but what they're
is that the new users don't have an
allegiance to ether the way that you do
even when that is out there is no
guarantee that the new user will then
say i value the technical trade-off of
ethereum i'm going to go there
that i think
is the biggest point and i would also
make the point that starkware does not
belong to ethereum
right starcover belongs to itself
and they very much do not plan to pay
rent to ethereum
this is something too where i would say
arguably all l2s will not want to pay
rent to ethereum
in my opinion they will also end up
becoming like l1s
so so that that kind of is my biggest
kind of point which is that the
execution layer the execution
environment that
provides the best experience for
uh whether incentivized or not uh
once it has those and once it has a
flywheel of users coming in
that's incredibly powerful and i've seen
that with bsc and binance where you know
even with a weaker technical roadmap
they've been able to capture half of all
i mean they just have by far the most
users of any chain it's not even close
right and that's why all the new gamefly
companies are launching their games on
on bsc because that's just where the
users are um so
i think that it's just something where i
find the ethereum rhetoric to be
more out of touch with where i see
applications and users going than ever
before and this is something that i
think is is honestly irrelevant to the
average eatholder because like i said i
think each value crew now is not coming
from that stuff it's coming from people
buying bitcoin and ether together as
part of a monetary basket and so
i get why they're also out of touch with
it because they're because their goals
are different and their you know kind of
ideas are different but
if we're talking about um
where users are and where they're going
where builders are going i do find it
very facile to say well as soon as we
get our layer twos up then they're all
gonna come back i i personally not a
believer in that because i don't think
that that's um
i it's not how i've seen the world play
Crypto villain of the year https://cryptobriefing.com/2021-review-the-top-10-crypto-villains-year/
i would be curious to learn in
what sense has ether over optimized for
being money so what at what points did
it make a trade-off like a conscience
trade-off to say
we designed the chain to be better money
and worse as let's say an execution
i think a good broad way to understand
it is if you look at antonio the founder
of do idx's tweets about it afterward
and he he said you know
the ethereum user experience on on layer
one has basically not even 10xed over
five years
um and at that time the roadmap
was very much to to figure out how to
cater to users and developers right um
and and so i think just like if you just
zoom out that far it's pretty easy to
see that we're we're in a very different
place today
on ethereum than it was uh
a couple years ago and i think the
another easy way to see this is just
with d5 itself right where if you look
at the d5 that's kind of really taken
off and done well it's been crosstrained
it's been non-ethereum right so you know
luna versus snx but then also you know
sort of projects on avalanche versus
projects on ethereum the you know the
same exact project but they'll do better
on avalanche um and then you know you
you you kind of get a sense that um
i think ethereum rightfully says that
they're the bedrock or kind of the uh
birthplace of defy innovation right but
what that also means is that if that's
main claim to to to um
sort of power that that that becomes
it becomes quite nostalgic like in a way
right uh where
um what about the new users or what
about the new developers where do they
go and and you know what we're seeing is
that new developers are just multi-evm
right so they
deploy where the users are because their
goal is to
have their product be used you know so
an example is we back tranches which is
quite quite uh novel mechanism for doing
risk sharing across um longs and shorts
and it's got one of the highest tbls in
d5 right but they started off on bsc and
the the founders love ethereum but they
said if i launched on l1
uh there's no way and i'm not gonna
launch on matic because
if i'm gonna launch on another chain
anyways i might as well launch where the
actual users are
right so
uh okay
this is what kind of work this is kind
of what we're seeing on the app side and
then you look at the performance of d5
coins too right you know when we have
that part let's take note with the
performance let's let's stick with the
sort of the tech for a second because
yeah sure sure so
if we i think if we look at blockchains
actually first principles
it's really just you know it's a shared
database where anyone can can verify or
where anybody can see that the the
computation that was done whether it's a
transfer or a smart contract execution
that was done with
integrity so that was that was done
correctly right
and you can have various
of such uh
database basically so being the most
centralized would be just binance right
the centralized exchange nobody has any
insight into their database but it has a
lot of reputation at stake um so you
just trust it to you know perform all
the other updates correctly pretty much
and on the other extreme
you have something like bitcoin and
ethereum where they say oh we throttle
the network um really hard to sort of
keep um
this verification cost this cost for
people to actually do the accounting
themselves to to to to walk through
every step that was done and say oh i
can i can verify
without making any trust assumptions
that all of this computation was done
right and in the middle between these
two extremes centralized exchange and
the completely decentralized blockchain
you have a pretty wide trade of space
right and um that's where you find bsc
that's where you find avalanche and
solana at some points across these
spectrums right
sort of what i'm wondering is
i mean
are these other chains really gonna you
develop in in in any other way i mean
than ethereum and bitcoin so their
databases are always so yeah
i guess my answer would be they already
have and they will continue
because they are attracting all the new
users i think this is the just the
reality of the space right and i think
you know when i told you that half of
metamask users are bsc users and it
under shocked you
it's because a lot of
you know a lot of ether ogs and biblical
energies they don't use
chains because they don't need that
money right like you don't need to make
a thousand dollars you don't need to
make ten thousand dollars right you're
too wealthy to care
but that says more about you than it
says about other people right so
it's kind of my point which is that um i
i find that a lot of ethiopians they're
in the mindset now where they're like
i'm already rich and you have to
understand why what i've done is so good
and also what i why what i'm preserving
is so valuable and valuable
as it may
um you have given very few outlets for
new users to come and participate
in what you've done and and so you know
that's the reality of the space and and
you know having matic is not is not an
answer right because if you have matic
then they say what is the difference
between matic and any other l1 right and
then and then you open up that door and
yeah of course of course there's none
right so so i think that that's kind of
the reality of the space and i agree
with you a hundred percent on you know
there is a
you know a decentralization trade-off uh
between each of these and i think what
the novel sort of
understanding that i have or or that um
i think the market has as well is that
where ethereum is on the trade-off scale
it is optimized for a world
that um
it's struggling to maintain its network
effect for evm itself
where evm developers are immediately
deploying to every chain
and then users are using where
they find it most convenient
i would say in april or march i would
have said that ether itself uh will
benefit a lot from this multi evm i
believe i said that in a thesis um and
he did and i think in part ether has
right it has outperformed bitcoin quite
a bit uh since then because ether
benefits from being able to be ported
around on evm just much easier right so
you can bring your you know you can
bring your ether across different
bridges you can use it as collateral
here and there
and so it has
definitely benefited from that but it's
also underperformed
other layer ones massively and and
the the reason why i do say performance
is important is because
the this is also the incentive for
people to get involved right so you know
if you look at the d5 projects on
ethereum you know where they have
uh pretty much only gone down in dollars
even uh over the past year i mean if
someone had told you at the time we did
that podcast where we predicted device
coins would enter the top 20 that they
would actually all be down in dollars
you would you you would have said you're
insane right
but it's happened and i think and i see
that i think they have performed not
that bad since then they are up in
dollars definitely but down
but i think a lot of them are actually
down in dollars if i remember correctly
and and and so that's something that i
don't think
people are i mean
privately i've spoken a lot of people
and and and they you know they they they
say what those reasons are
but i think that um publicly it's
something that
is a bit taboo to talk about right
because it has
it you have to admit a lot of kind of
things and and and so i think
i mean my diagnosis would be a few
things right i i think one is that
the early ether builders they were very
committed to ethereum as a network
and so
where the founders dilemma kind of plays
in is that if you already own a lot of
ether and then it's gone up 20x
you're already wealthy right
so so once you're already wealthy
your incentive to build also starts
going down right because
what is the
incentive to build at that point and and
and that we've seen a lot in the
ethereum device space i think um
i think
on the on the idea of
you know going cross-chain and acquiring
users i think that this is a
this is very much a knife fight right
this is very much a fight uh to see you
know which builders are the most
aggressive at creating products for new
users um and creating experiences for
new users and i find it interesting too
that like when i speak to some of these
ethiopians you know some are very good
at going cross-chain and and
using them but but a lot of
like others their mentality is like i
i'm too rich to have to do that
i'm too wealthy like i don't need to
right um so
this is i think the big divide really in
this space which is that it's to the
point where
um ether can no longer ethereum can no
longer claim to have all the innovations
right like now you actually see the
opposite where synthetics are trying to
copy what luna's done with you know
ecosystem airdrops and multiple projects
on it
and you know it's we're we're kind of
seeing that reverse copying on a number
of projects now as well and so i think
there's an arrogance to the ethereum
community similar as there was an
arrogance of the bitcoin community um
and i actually think that you'll see
this arrogance play out in almost every
community um not in a fatalist way but
just as a as a product of founders
dilemma like if people already become
billionaires people already become you
know worth a lot of
their their basic worldview becomes how
do i perpetuate this idea as opposed to
um how do i compete in the open market
so i think
that that kind of reality um
is is the main reason why
i expect d5 building and and d5 to to do
better on newer chains because the
builders there are just hungrier and
they're also trying to create
applications for a million users or 10
million users
but i think what you're missing is that
you're taking kind of an objectivist
approach right you're kind of saying
this must be the solution that is the
most technologically valid and hence
you're only interested in that well be
that as it may
um you know
these were the kind of criticisms put on
solana in the early days and what we've
seen is that solano's actually attracted
a whole huge amount of grassroots
developers and huge amounts of
application interest right i would say
the last 20 of our application bets
15 plus of them are non-ethereum
mainly because we prefer to do best
we can see it get to a million users
um and
i think for a lot of the other funds
even the funds that were quite against
i see them now trying to get into these
rounds too and so it's just something
that while i hear you on you know your
vision of where the technology should be
and how how it looks
i do also see that
the way that the industry is going is
much more pragmatic which is to say i
want to onboard the users now
um and
that's that's the
that's the goal
and so i just think that
there needs to be a broad okay
put it this way i think there needs to
be a broad respect
from the ethereum community for
uh users i don't i don't think there's
quite that respect for users and i and
you can argue that there doesn't need to
be because ethereum is on this mission
to scale uh in this uh robust way but
we're getting into bitcoin lightning
network type of logic now too right
be that as it may
you're you're free to do what you wish
you do run some risks of losing network
effects um and and so i think
that that's kind of what i would say
about this i mean i think fundamentally
it's it's it's talking on two different
planes right or it's talking past each
other where the set of priors are just
um so so my set of priors is to say
okay we can invest in bitcoin and if
there are stores of value that's fine
um and we speculate on when we buy them
and when we sell them and the global
demand for user and the the global
demand for crypto monies right
at the same time we also
feel that applications on ethereum have
really suffered from uh you know
optimistic role of not being competitive
and and then later on uh you know newer
scaling not coming out um and you know
the world we live in today is very
different from the world uh we imagined
when ethereum device was sort of at
their highs and and so uh seeing that
world i'm an introspective person so i
look at that and and i ask myself why
did it fail right what happened
and the reasons that i'm seeing or the
kind of the realities that i believe i
am perceiving
are that well first of all the builders
are actually better on these other
chains because they have chosen those
other chains because they want to reach
users so i see that with dokon and luna
i see this uh with a few other projects
and this i think is actually the
anti-culture case for ethereum which is
that it actually is unable to provide a
space for these type of builders i
remember during a clubhouse where andre
chronos he said i think this was in like
march i can't remember exactly when but
he said like if you're an evm builder
today you need to go to bsc immediately
right and then you know at that time
like then then a whole host of people
bsc but
i think that this is
this is the future um
of smart contracts application space and
users and and so from my point of view
i do have a bit of regret and nostalgia
for the d5 times and i wish that it
would have gone better uh but i think
that um
you know the reason why i was so
triggered by kane is because he kind of
um is kind of the is kind of the
ultimate example of sort of you know an
ethogee who did very well holding eth
basically um and then the project itself
you know has kind of
not been as
you know and it's not something where
i'm like shaming builders or this or
that but he's the one who says you know
you know anyone who's not building on
ethereum layer two is like you know
we're gonna keep track of all your names
and then you know i'm not going to
welcome you back to community i mean
this is dangerous stuff i think um and
this is stuff where
yeah um i don't believe in it so
i think that um at the end of the day um
the same problems that happened to
bitcoin maximus are happening to
ethereum maximus and the problem for
ethereum is that while it matters less
for bitcoin because you don't do
anything with bitcoin it matters more
for ethereum because you actually have
to do things on ethereum and so if
builders are starting to go to other
chains which i see them doing this is a
matter of debate that i have with some
other funds but i do see builders going
to other chains um especially solana
especially avalanche
then the floodgates are very open on
that and you won't we won't be able to
claim in two years that all the
innovation is on ethereum right and once
you lose that
uh then really what you have left is you
can say that the evm uh
enshrines eth as the holy asset which i
think is happening um and that um it
shares a store value case with bitcoin
and that and that can be fine as it is
right that
that that really can be the end game of
eth and um
and it can do well but i don't think
that um
i don't think that this is something
that that alternate layer ones are sort
of um
discredited for their approach because i
it's kind of fascinating almost like as
a fractal but i kind of see like eth as
being what original bitcoin wanted to be
in some ways right which is sort of um
you know having nfts and having um
having um defy and these kind of things
and then i see like alt layer ones
trying to be what ethereum is trying to
be which is like
you know uh yeah the reaching a building
i think where vitalik said that um
if there's like
f what is it what did he say if there's
five cents
he said bitcoin has five cents
yeah i mean
stuff like that of course makes you look
very bad in the future that's a given
um yeah so so i mean and
and and i think it's look like i still
own more ethan pretty much i still own
more ether than pretty much anybody i
know so it's not something where but i
think this is i mean this is also to me
this is also like a warning sign but i
mean vitalik
is a very smart guy
he already yeah first like the bitcoin
cash people fell on their face making
the claim that you can guarantee some
kind of low cost environment without
sacrificing all decentralization then
vitalik made the same statement he fell
on his face and now i see for me it's
just it's just just groundhog day i see
the same i see a new class of people
repeat the same the the same things that
already the bitcoin cash people have
failed at
vitalik has failed that they are not
going to succeed in my opinion i think
they are going to fail for the same
reasons and that's sort of what makes me
a bit frustrated about seeing these
arguments because it's not
yes i'm taking
um like a technologist stand stands on
where i say yeah i'm better at
evaluating um
this than the market i can say this is
gonna fail for you know technological
reasons this is gonna run into its
scaling limits and at some point also
the narratives around it are going to
collapse when the fees go up and they
have no credible scaling roadmap so um
but to me this this just feels like i've
seen the story like play out more than
once in the past
i think the i think the the the sort of
shortest rebuttal i would give to that
is to say
just look at the network growth rates on
the other networks and then say
let's assume that they run into scaling
problems and let's assume that they
solve them in the way that um
uh would be maybe not acceptable to
ethereum people and certainly not
acceptable to bitcoin people i mean keep
in mind too a lot of ethereum's
decentralization trade-offs are
completely unacceptable to bitcoin
people right and so i so so i think that
then you you're very much back in the
fractal that i'm talking about which is
that um you know ethereum people making
the same arguments
against other chains that bitcoin people
make against that
make against ethereum right and
i guess what i would say is that um
i do see these fighting product market
fit and i do see these teams being
at least more motivated to onboard users
and and so i guess
what i'm
what i'm warning or not warning but what
i'm kind of predicting is that um
that all layer ones will continue to do
very very well
and um i also see this in the web 2
investors that i speak with right
when when the web 2 investors come to
crypto i think some of them you know
they they gravitate toward the uh
toward the ethereum vision um
but then as they do they start to see
like okay well
how fast is this network growing because
because i'm investing in network effects
right how fast they're growing and then
they see that all the other chains are
having way faster network effects and
then they're saying okay well what is
the reason for this and and so
if the reason is that ethereum is
waiting for its own scaling
it starts to sound like bitcoin right it
starts to sound a lot like like bitcoin
um then they're like okay well
i clearly need a hedge because these are
already outperforming either by a lot
and on top of that there's you know very
credible uh activity happening i
understand that either people say it's
not decentralized but i also understand
that big people say ether is not
decentralized you see what i'm saying
there right so so that that's kind of
what i'm predicting basically and and i
think that um
i think that
for me like i kind of had the thesis
uh fortunately relatively early
uh during the bear market that i think
all all layer ones are yeah deeply
undervalued because these are real teams
building stuff and i was fortunate
enough to you know so so like polka dot
uh avalanche
near um
oh i mean we pretty much said at that
time you know pretty much any alt layer
one that is doing
that is shipping code uh
is is gonna is just
is incredibly undervalued by the market
i think um richard we had on our podcast
at the acm he had basically that thesis
and he helped us kind of see it which is
um for the same reasons that ethereum
grew very quickly these chains also will
grow very quickly because the
penetration of smart contract
users and and and just you know
applications is a zero of the main
it's it's it's a world where we live in
um you know just to give an example
right like
taizo tazos just did a great deal with
ubisoft where they're gonna give
something like 10 million wallets to
ubisoft users and then holding fts in
them so
i mean i can see a world where chains
can do well just being
used in one country right and then and
going from there and and so i guess what
i'm saying is like the world is a very
very big place and i see layer ones
doing very different approaches to biz
dev very different approaches to users
um and
i think that this is healthy actually
for broader crypto it it does hurt a bit
of um
ethereum dominance like i think ethereum
would be
much closer to flipping bitcoin today if
ethereum had managed to find you know if
it basically what we think of as the
scaling road map in 2025 if it had been
achieved by today right
but um be that
you know being that we're in the world
we are in today
see sort of more of a hybrid bitcoin and
ether will share a store value case
and then i see
a multiple you know a multitude of all
their ones and i and i think that i mean
not to say that this is good or bad but
just to say this is i think just the
reality why do you so ethereum has also
of course gone through periods of
extreme growth um
and back in the day we used to use this
as um an investment case for ethereum
over bitcoin right we saw that yeah
bitcoin was valued much higher but
ethereum growth in in any relevant
metric was just leaving bitcoin
completely in the dust there were more
i think what i realized
i think what i realized looking back is
that we were asking the wrong question
we were asking the uh we were asking the
wrong question which is the og question
which is should i own more ethereum
but that's actually the wrong question
my question to you would have been why
why do you think that the growth that
these newer chains are seeing is going
to be more sticky than the growth that
ethereum has seen
uh well
what i would say is that their growth
has already been much faster than
bitcoin and ethereum and their growth
can continue to be much faster
one they don't have technical debt
bitcoin has technical debt right
ethereum has huge technical debt these
new ones they don't have technical debt
in part because they're more centralized
but also in part because they're newer
um so
you know they're already proof of stake
well for ether it will be very hard to
go proof of stake it will take months
and months right and there will be a lot
of questions as we go into it and and
and so technical debt is one reason also
i think um the spirit of community is
another right where
the the concept of getting in on the
ground floor is very attractive to
people and you know if you look at
either today like
it doesn't offer
the opportunities i think that um it did
when people uh were around 2019. so even
if you look at like you know talking
about airdrops right like all
all this stuff is for if you were a user
in 2019 as far as i'm concerned like ens
yeah you registered it in 2019 you know
using some of these products okay like
some of them late 2020 but they're all
kind of like
i mean i would posit that it's all the
same two thousand users
two thousand to five thousand uh you
know that that that are basically
benefiting from this and and so that's
kind of the big challenge i think uh
which is uh ethereum's growth of users
on l1 has basically gone to zero right
um because of the fees and
i can accept the argument that that's
fine because we'll do rollups but
i would then also
argue that if you assume that's true
then the growth rates on altair ones
will be very fast because there is a
demand for people to get involved in
crypto and this is where they will go
and so
for me it's trivial that the growth rate
of user counts and activity on other
chains will be faster than on ethereum
um it's a
broader question what will outpace the
other in dollars today uh from where we
are here because obviously we are
already up 1000x on solana we're already
up you know hundreds of access on these
other coins and the these are all kinds
of um
you know we're we're trying to get to
questions of like what is a fair
percentage of ethereum market cap these
things should be
i think when it comes to user accounts
when it comes to activity levels when it
comes to new builders uh new passionate
builders who want to build billion
dollar applications
i very much see these going to solana
starkware avalanche
and a few others and
i think that that's just natural um so i
do think that when there is um
more opportunities to
deploy on l2 i think they'll also do so
but i think that ethereum has lost that
network effect of being able to say all
innovators come to my chain and join my
community um i didn't realize it quite
early enough i think if i had i would
have just sold all my ether for salon on
avalanche but you know be that as it may
i was comparing either too much to
bitcoin and you know so i suffered that
fate along with you basically um you
know as part of the sort of the og crowd
now that you know debates bitcoin versus
ether all day right you know
and you know i've met young guys like
retail guys like they're like 50 sold 50
abax from a dollar
you know and these guys are just like
why do you even talk about bitcoin and
ether like what what is the point and
and so like there is that perspective
that i have to remind myself of each
time because each generation each crypto
wave has brought in
uh new people right and their
perspective is very different from yours
and mine
and you know you know speaking of these
kind of guys
i do i am sometimes struck by like are
we the boomers you know yes um
i think i would be
i mean
i i i would agree that somebody who
comes in today
won't use bitcoin in in ethiopia and
they shouldn't because for the reasons
that we talked about but that doesn't
mean that they are any more right in the
long term i think if you've only been
here for half a cycle
i think there's definitely the risk of
sort of over overvaluing what is new and
what you know over what is long-term
i would say that at the end of the day
i'm i'm a pragmatist i'm i have no
uh ideological reason to support
ethereum i would say i'm pretty far from
from being like an ideologue
i think that in terms of its roadmap
it's actually it's going to be cheaper
and better for a user and an application
builder to use
um a rollup that
posts you know proofs to ethereum
then these alternate layer ones if if
they are just a layer one so they can
have the same role the same um the same
sharding road map and then i think
it's sort of a fair game um but
i think that this approach is probably
going to win out over the you know
layer one approach
um and i say that because i believe in
it for
you know that it's like pragmatically
the the best approach and not because i
think it's somehow more
i don't know that it's like for moral
reasons or whatever right i mean i get
what we were saying but i guess my point
is that
for like for for me as someone who
invests prolifically in applications
i see the strongest applications being
on non-ethereum these days and that's
something that i would have been
absolutely if you had told me this a
year ago i i would have said absolutely
no way
zero chance all the innovation i see is
on ethereum and now all the application
innovation i see is not on ethereum and
and so this is just
for me that's my perspective on it and
that makes me sad in a way because it's
different from what i thought it would
be and it's different from what i hoped
it would be
um and so i think that
i think that that's kind of where
where the
the the the biggest fear for me in
crypto is that if we get to a world
where the end game is then
you don't need to have any
like like you you get to the most
centralized chain and then that is the
thing that you know i mean i'm kind of
seeing this like and it scares me with
some of these web 2 guys and they're
saying like well you know what you don't
even need crypto you just have tokens
the whole point is tokens uh once you
have tokens uh you can incentivize
everybody you incentivize your users you
can get rid of the blockchain
right yeah yeah just give tokens and
this is i mean kobe was 20 mothers a bit
as well and this this is what really
scares me because if we don't if we
don't make reasonably credible
applications that that scales users you
you do some run some risks that like
um you know we're just talking about
tokens in five years that run in actual
databases um
so so i i come from that perspective but
i mean
i mean i think at the end of the day
like it's it's it's the points on both
sides are really well understood now i
think you know the market will decide
the new users will decide the new
builders will decide and and and i think
it's not even worth debating honestly
because i think it's more about
prognostication right
so people will step their chips the way
they want to set them and and then
that's it
yeah i completely agree i i i'm a pretty
strong believer in the thesis that
fast forward five years
and people will be using applications
they will not be using blockchains they
would be going directly to applications
like they go to their bank their broker
whatever their super app
and they will be using these
applications and they will know that
it's non-custodial
but they won't know
on what chain it runs um
and they they won't have to they don't
have to care and then it's purely
a matter of what chain um can get the
yeah properties to to build us into
users um and there won't be any sort of
yeah i mean any reason to favor one over
the other for any other reason and um
yeah that's that's that's definitely
also the approach that i'm taking
and um if it's true that other chants
can capture
better builders and can retain them in
the long term then i definitely think
that these chains are in a good position
personally i don't
i don't see that right now i think
it's very attractive for a new builder
to build on new chains but it's also
these chains tend to be empty empty here
and this is not going to sustain so
there's some amount of short-termism
and they tend to be big incentives right
so between building on ethereum and
building on avalanche where i know that
ava labs have is you know paying out
they are dumping like avex incentives on
on any application that builds there of
course that's a huge bribe for me as an
application builder to favor their chain
but i also know
that this is not
long-term sustainable right so at some
the this this sort of incentivized
will taper off and then what matters is
the actual technical trade-offs well i
think the why well i think the the the
biggest counter-argument to what you
said is that
it's already been wrong for many months
now right where
you know from the vision that we would
have seen a year ago to now it's already
been wrong and then so i think the
question is then
at what point will that vision be
correct and
i think the answer that most ethereum
people give is that the it will be
correct when we finally have l2 scaling
that is competitive with uh the
experience the user experience on layer
that is what they say but what they're
is that the new users don't have an
allegiance to ether the way that you do
even when that is out there is no
guarantee that the new user will then
say i value the technical trade-off of
ethereum i'm going to go there
that i think
is the biggest point and i would also
make the point that starkware does not
belong to ethereum
right starcover belongs to itself
and they very much do not plan to pay
rent to ethereum
this is something too where i would say
arguably all l2s will not want to pay
rent to ethereum
in my opinion they will also end up
becoming like l1s
so so that that kind of is my biggest
kind of point which is that the
execution layer the execution
environment that
provides the best experience for
uh whether incentivized or not uh
once it has those and once it has a
flywheel of users coming in
that's incredibly powerful and i've seen
that with bsc and binance where you know
even with a weaker technical roadmap
they've been able to capture half of all
i mean they just have by far the most
users of any chain it's not even close
right and that's why all the new gamefly
companies are launching their games on
on bsc because that's just where the
users are um so
i think that it's just something where i
find the ethereum rhetoric to be
more out of touch with where i see
applications and users going than ever
before and this is something that i
think is is honestly irrelevant to the
average eatholder because like i said i
think each value crew now is not coming
from that stuff it's coming from people
buying bitcoin and ether together as
part of a monetary basket and so
i get why they're also out of touch with
it because they're because their goals
are different and their you know kind of
ideas are different but
if we're talking about um
where users are and where they're going
where builders are going i do find it
very facile to say well as soon as we
get our layer twos up then they're all
gonna come back i i personally not a
believer in that because i don't think
that that's um
i it's not how i've seen the world play