Swyx Mixtape Survey, Refactor, and Deadpool! [swyx]
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Our 2021-2022 Deadpool
## Life
- https://overcast.fm/+olfN7lGho 20 mins social butterfly gary vee problems + 50 mins introvert strategy
- https://youtu.be/oH9sJrAVeC0 Brandon Sanderson life advice from 14 mins in. Goals, learn how you work, break it down
- https://overcast.fm/+b1V1guBD8 23 mins greg mckowen virality vs energy
- how to be employee #8 at stripe https://overcast.fm/+sAoIh6me8 have side project - 18mins
- https://overcast.fm/+HhhiZISrU be the driver 18mins
## misc
https://overcast.fm/+IOVdeY 15 mins william hung
https://overcast.fm/+KebtSrIKA 40 mins about twitter epiphanies - naval
3mins browser user agent https://overcast.fm/+LfVNDuulU
## deadpool
- https://designdetails.fm/episodes/7RL459Ke 8 minutes - proof of curiosity - learn in public
- https://constine.substack.com/p/how-the-creator-crisis-forced-artists jack conte on creators vs influencers 20 mins in
- radical transparency lampshading https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/everyone-hates-marketers/id1221256195
- get spencer rascoff interview on satya nadella. user focus not competitor focus
- spencer rascoff on spacs https://overcast.fm/+RWpv4tXUg 1h 35mins
- https://mebfaber.com/2021/05/14/e311-radio-show/ 7 minutes found money found money startups
- https://overcast.fm/+UwBo3_SRA stackoverflow founding story
- calling in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xw_720iQDss
- https://overcast.fm/+G72_S1rVA praxeology 2 mins rory Sutherland 17 mins
- https://overcast.fm/+eZyDpkhOo 50 mins metrics on academic honesty
- https://overcast.fm/+rTsVMkQyQ 13 mins how brianne kimmel started as a nobody
- https://a16z-live.simplecast.com/episodes/one-on-one-with-a-and-z-8 pmarca on agi 30 mins
- https://www.3books.co/chapters/22 tim urban love vs like - 1hr 44 mins
- https://player.fm/series/hanselminutes-with-scott-hanselman/design-systems-with-jina-anne what is a design system
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqeJFYwnkjE debt metaphor
- https://overcast.fm/+OxeYJmQDA 9 mins not a how to - walter isaacson
- https://overcast.fm/+rTsUkMHLE 40 mins mimetic desire
- https://overcast.fm/+b1V2u0abg 40 mins university advice
- https://overcast.fm/+SustHMll0 11 mins how turkey living with hyperinflation
- https://corecursive.com/063-apple-2001/
- 18 mins shipping ipod
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- 45 mins knowing the stack
- 4 stages if the ownership economy https://overcast.fm/+YNeSoJsXs 36mins
- k8s documentary https://overcast.fm/+B1yJZf4lw 7mins
- bolt guy https://three-cartoon-avatars.simplecast.com/episodes/ep-10-interview-with-ryan-breslow-the-silicon-valley-mob-twilio-insider-trading-and-why-onlyfans-cant-find-investors
yegge corner
- yegge on salary https://youtu.be/AKBYbZ1tyyc
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- https://overcast.fm/+0TxbyakyQ 28mins old school gates
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covid stories
- https://delian.substack.com/p/operators-ep-27-nilam-ganenthiran how instacart handled covid
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- https://overcast.fm/+L0d0r2BYc 20 mins airbnb during covid
- https://overcast.fm/+noYBB9bCQ airbnb story
crypto corner
- https://overcast.fm/+YNeQU9S5I 8mins loot
- https://overcast.fm/+YNeQU9S5I 25 min what is loot
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- https://overcast.fm/+Jy_w5_2iA nifty gateway
- https://overcast.fm/+eZyAwm28w eth mev 50 mins
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- https://overcast.fm/+eZyD3MfIg cruptonomicon
- https://overcast.fm/+Ylhm80Z-4 12 mins constitution dao problems. intro https://overcast.fm/+XcSvlJhAs 2mins
- https://overcast.fm/+pN8f_ULnQ 17 mins ken griffin side of constitutiondao
- https://overcast.fm/+QLdt2a4yQ 45 mins condao leader
- https://overcast.fm/+FaxkphON4 32 mins SBF talking about loss covering until 45mins
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dur918GqDIw&list=WL&index=18&t=244s pseudonymity balajis
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- https://overcast.fm/+qdIBj-7hw 20mins the graph
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- 6529 https://overcast.fm/+nRGzZ7yqs
- uncovering dao hack https://overcast.fm/+O-dbduSYI
![Swyx Mixtape Survey, Refactor, and Deadpool! [swyx]](https://img.transistor.fm/ehfVRtOTdvanujsOR_PvWAZpieYtHwCRnQtepj-ExmI/rs:fill:800:800:1/q:60/aHR0cHM6Ly9pbWct/dXBsb2FkLXByb2R1/Y3Rpb24udHJhbnNp/c3Rvci5mbS9zaG93/LzE3NjMxLzE2MjY4/NDU3NzgtYXJ0d29y/ay5qcGc.webp)